Django, ELB health checks and continuous delivery

A robust means of deploying web applications with Amazon Web Services is to use an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to balance requests between an “Auto Scaling Group” (ASG) of EC2 instances. As well as horizontally scaling, this set-up allows automated canary (aka blue-green) deployments, where new application versions are deployed as a new ASG which replaces the existing EC2 instances; a so-called “immutable infrastructure” approach.

Such a procedure relies on ELB “health check” requests to test that the new EC2 instances are ready to take production traffic (and the old instances can be terminated). For canary deployments, it’s important that the health check is accurate: false positives lead to broken applications being brought into production, causing errors, downtime, and other sadness.

At Octopus Energy, we deploy Django applications in this way as part of a continuous delivery pipeline coordinated by Hashicorp’s excellent Atlas service:

  1. CircleCI, our continuous integration service, packages up the application when the tests pass on master and uploads the tarball to Atlas.

  2. Atlas then employs Packer with a set of uploaded configuration (e.g. Puppet manifests and modules) to create a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

  3. Atlas then deploys this AMI into production using Terraform. Terraform brings the new AMI into production as described above, creating a new ASG and launch configuration that uses the new AMI.

Evolving this process over the last few months has highlighted the importance of getting the health check right. Below are some tips. An example Django application run with uWSGI and NGINX is used but most of the advice translates to other frameworks and HTTP servers.

While this article is nominally about health checks, the TLDR is that you can build great things with Hashicorp’s products. Specifically, if you use AWS and haven’t checked out Terraform before - do that today.

A health-check Django view

Our ELB health check is configured in Terraform as:

resource "aws_elb" "web" {


    health_check {
        # Where to make health check requests to
        target = "HTTP:80/health"

        # How often to make health check requests (in seconds)
        interval = 15

        # Number of checks before instance is declared healthy
        healthy_threshold = 2

        # Number of checks before instance is declared unhealthy
        unhealthy_threshold = 10

        # Number of seconds to wait for a healthcheck response
        timeout = 5

In other words: an EC2 instance is considered healthy when two HTTP requests to /health return a 200 status (within five seconds).

Let’s start simple:

from . import views

urlpatterns = (


from django import http

def health(request):
    return http.HttpResponse()

It would have been easier to use NGINX to respond to the health-check request directly without troubling uWSGI. But we get considerably more value by going a layer deeper and getting the Django application to respond. Several classes of problem are prevented by doing this since health checks fail when uWSGI can’t start the Python application.

Unhealthy instances can’t run the Python application

As per the 12-factor app guidelines, our EC2 instances are stateless and read their configuration from environment variables. These are set by Upstart, sourcing a configuration file managed by consul-template:

# /etc/init/uwsgi

# Ensure the uWSGI process doesn't start until
# the consul-template process has started.
start on started consul-template
stop on runlevel [06]


# This is the file consul-template manages
env ENV_FILE="/etc/application/env-vars"
env UWSGI_INI_FILE="/etc/uwsgi.ini"
env VENV_ROOT="/opt/venv"

    # Set environment variables
    source $ENV_FILE

    # Apply migrations. Piping the output to logger ensures it
    # is included in /var/log/syslog and hence gets forwarded to Loggly.
    sudo -u www-data django-admin migrate --noinput --no-color | logger -t migrations

    # Start uWSGI
    exec $VENV_ROOT/bin/uwsgi --ini $UWSGI_INI_FILE
end script

We ensure the Python application cannot start with missing/invalid configuration using simple wrapper functions in


import os

def value_from_env(key, default=None):
    Return a env variable, raising an exception if it is not defined
    value = os.environ.get(key, default)
    if value is None:
        error_msg = (
            "No '%s' env variable found. This needs to be set in Consul's "
            "key-value store."
        raise RuntimeError(error_msg % key)
    return value

# Example config look-up
SECRET_KEY = value_from_env("SECRET_KEY")

If the SECRET_KEY environmental variable isn’t defined in Consul, uWSGI won’t be able to start the Python application and health checks will fail. This practice ensures canary deployments fail if configuration is missing.

Assuming uWSGI can start the Python application, let’s example the set-up that allows Django to respond successfully to the health check.


We terminate TLS on the ELB and proxy requests to port 80 of the EC2 instance. For normal user requests, we use the X_FORWARDED_PROTO header to ensure TLS is used. However, we don’t want this for health-check requests so we use a separate location directive:

# /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

# uWSGI is configured to use this socket
upstream public {
    server unix:///tmp/uwsgi.sock;

server {
    listen 80 default_server;

    server_name localhost;

    charset utf-8;

    # Allow healthchecks to be made from ELB without X_FORWARDED_PROTO header
    location /health {
        access_log /var/log/nginx/health.log;

        uwsgi_pass public;
        include /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params;

    location / {
        # Ensure non-TLS requests are redirected
        if ($http_x_forwarded_proto != 'https') {
            rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;

        uwsgi_pass public;
        include /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params;

Here we use a separate log file as we don’t want the health check requests being included in the main access file which we forward as a JSON event stream to Loggly (this is super-useful).

Allowed hosts

ELB health-check requests use the private IP address of the EC2 instance as the host header so we need to ensure such requests are correctly handled by the Django application.

For NGINX, this isn’t a problem as we proxy to the Django application in the catch-all virtualhost (the first one defined).

For the Django application to respond correctly, the private IP address must be in the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting or Django will return a “400 Bad Request” response. Since webservers are ephemeral, this setting needs to be set dynamically, normally by calling the AWS internal metadata service during start-up. You can make such a request in the EC2 “user-data” and write the value to a config file, or call the metadata service when is imported. The former may look something like:


echo "Writing EC2 metadata to files in /etc/aws/"
mkdir -p /etc/aws/
ec2metadata --local-ipv4 > /etc/aws/ipv4



def value_from_file(filepath, default=None):
    Return a string value from a local file
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
        with open(filepath, "r") as f:
    return default

# Read local IP address from file created by EC2 user-data script
AWS_LOCAL_IP = value_from_file("/etc/aws/ipv4")


At this point, the simple health-check view defined above will happily respond to requests. Let’s now extend the implementation of the health-check view.

Check pages render correctly

You can use the Django test client to run a simple smoke test on your site. For example, checking the homepage loads.

import logging
import httplib

logger = logging.getLogger('health')

def page_response(path, expected_status=httplib.OK):
    Make an internal (fake) HTTP request to check a page returns the expected
    status code.
        response = client.get(path)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("Error from %s: %s", path, e)
        return False

    result = response.status_code == expected_status
    if not result:
        # Log healthcheck errors to Loggly so we can debug failing deployments
        # where the new instances fail the healthcheck.
        logger.error("Response from %s was %s, not %s",
                     path, response.status_code, status)
    return result

We can use this helper in our view function:

import httplib

from django import http

from . import check

def health(request):
    if not check.page_response('/'):
        return http.HttpResponse(status=httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
    return http.HttpResponse()

Check migrations have applied successfully

As shown above, we attempt to apply migrations when Upstart starts the Django application. Should any of these migrations fails, we don’t want to bring that machine into production. Hence we check for unapplied migrations as part of the health check:

import logging

from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, connections
from django.db.migrations.loader import MigrationLoader

logger = logging.getLogger('health')

def migrations_have_applied():
    Check if there are any migrations that haven't been applied yet
    connection = connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]
    loader = MigrationLoader(connection)
    graph = loader.graph

    # Count unapplied migrations
    num_unapplied_migrations = 0
    for app_name in loader.migrated_apps:
        for node in graph.leaf_nodes(app_name):
            for plan_node in graph.forwards_plan(node):
                if plan_node not in loader.applied_migrations:
                    num_unapplied_migrations += 1

    return num_unapplied_migrations == 0

Our extended health check view function now looks like:

import httplib

from django import http

from . import check

def health(request):
    if not check.page_response('/'):
        return http.HttpResponse(status=httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
    if not check.migrations_have_applied():
        return http.HttpResponse(status=httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
    return http.HttpResponse()

And there you have it: an effective health check view for Django applications.

Posted by David Winterbottom Principal Engineer on May 5, 2016